Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat 2 Orang

Halo Sobat Ilyas!

Apakah kamu sedang belajar bahasa Inggris dan ingin menambah vocabulary dengan cara berdialog? Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh dialog bahasa Inggris singkat 2 orang yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk berlatih.

1. Situasi: Di Restoran

Waiter: Welcome to our restaurant. May I take your order?

Customer: Yes, I’d like to have a steak, medium-rare, please.

Waiter: Would you like any side dishes with that?

Customer: Yes, I’ll have a baked potato and a side salad, please.

Waiter: Great. Would you like anything to drink?

Customer: Yes, I’ll have a glass of red wine, please.

Waiter: Sure thing. Your order will be ready shortly.

2. Situasi: Di Sekolah

Teacher: Good morning, class. Today, we’re going to learn about the present continuous tense. Can anyone give me an example of a sentence in the present continuous tense?

Student: I am reading a book right now.

Teacher: Excellent! Can anyone else give me an example?

Another student: My sister is watching TV at the moment.

Teacher: Great job, class. Now, let’s practice using this tense in some exercises.

3. Situasi: Di Kantor

Manager: Good morning, John. How are you doing today?

Employee: Morning, sir. I’m doing well, thank you for asking.

Manager: That’s good to hear. I wanted to discuss your performance with you. You’ve been doing an excellent job lately. Keep up the good work.

Employee: Thank you, sir. I appreciate the feedback.

Manager: You’re welcome. Is there anything you need help with or want to discuss?

Employee: No, sir. Everything is going smoothly for me right now.

Manager: Alright, then. Keep up the good work.

4. Situasi: Di Supermarket

Cashier: Hi, did you find everything you were looking for today?

Customer: Yes, thank you.

Cashier: Great. Your total comes to $25. Would you like to pay by cash or card?

Customer: I’ll pay by card, please.

Cashier: Alright, just insert your card into the machine and follow the prompts.

Customer: Okay, done.

Cashier: Thank you. Here’s your receipt and your card. Have a nice day!

5. Situasi: Di Rumah Sakit

Doctor: Good afternoon, Mrs. Smith. How are you feeling today?

Patient: Hi, doctor. I’m feeling a bit better, but I still have some pain in my stomach.

Doctor: Alright, I’ll take a look and see what’s going on. Please lie down on the examination table.

Patient: Okay.

Doctor: Hmm, it looks like you have some inflammation in your stomach. I’ll prescribe some medication for you to take.

Patient: Thank you, doctor.

Doctor: You’re welcome. Be sure to take the medication as directed, and if your symptoms persist, come back and see me.

6. Situasi: Di Bank

Teller: Hello, how can I assist you today?

Customer: Hi, I’d like to open a savings account.

Teller: Alright, I can help you with that. Do you have any identification on you?

Customer: Yes, I have my driver’s license and my passport.

Teller: Great. I’ll need to make a copy of those. Do you have any initial deposit to make?

Customer: Yes, I’d like to deposit $500 to start.

Teller: Alright, let me set that up for you. Here’s your account information and your new debit card.

Customer: Thank you!

7. Situasi: Di Bandara

Agent: Good evening, sir. May I see your ticket and passport, please?

Passenger: Hi, sure. Here you go.

Agent: Thank you. You’re all set. Your flight will be departing from gate 23 in about 30 minutes.

Passenger: Okay, thank you.

Agent: Do you have any carry-on luggage?

Passenger: Yes, I have this backpack.

Agent: Alright, please place it on the conveyor belt for scanning.

Passenger: Okay.

Agent: You’re good to go. Have a safe flight!


Nah Sobat Ilyas, itulah beberapa contoh dialog bahasa Inggris singkat 2 orang yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk berlatih. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan membantu kamu dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Sampai jumpa kembali di artikel menarik lainnya!