Contoh Report dalam Bahasa Inggris

Hello Sobat Ilyas!

Kamu pasti pernah mendengar kata “report”. Ya, report menjadi salah satu hal yang sangat penting dalam dunia kerja maupun pendidikan. Report merupakan sebuah dokumen tertulis yang berisi tentang hasil penelitian, analisis, atau evaluasi terhadap suatu peristiwa atau kejadian. Report juga bisa menjadi salah satu alat untuk mengukur kinerja suatu perusahaan atau individu. Namun, bagaimana cara membuat report yang baik dan benar dalam bahasa Inggris? Berikut ini akan diberikan beberapa contoh report dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat kamu jadikan referensi.

1. Contoh Report tentang Penjualan

Report tentang penjualan merupakan salah satu report yang sering dibuat dalam dunia bisnis. Report ini berisi tentang data penjualan suatu produk atau jasa dalam periode tertentu. Berikut ini adalah contoh report tentang penjualan:

Dear Manager,

Here is the report of our sales in the third quarter of this year. We have achieved a total sales of $500,000, which is a 10% increase compared to the second quarter. The sales were mainly driven by the new product launch and the marketing campaign that we did.

However, we also faced some challenges in the third quarter. The competition has become more intense and we had to reduce our profit margin to maintain our market share. We also faced some supply chain issues that affected our delivery time.

Overall, we are still optimistic about our future sales. We are planning to launch another new product in the fourth quarter and we believe that our marketing strategy will still be effective in attracting new customers.

Best regards,

Marketing Team

2. Contoh Report tentang Proyek

Report tentang proyek berisi tentang progress dan hasil dari suatu proyek yang sedang dikerjakan. Report ini biasanya dibuat oleh project manager atau tim proyek. Berikut ini adalah contoh report tentang proyek:

Dear Stakeholders,

Here is the progress report of our project. We have completed 50% of the project and we are on track to finish it on time. The project is currently within the budget and we have not encountered any major issues so far.

However, we still need to pay attention to several things in the next phase of the project. We need to ensure that the quality of the output is in line with the client’s expectation. We also need to monitor the risk factors that may affect the project’s timeline and budget.

We will continue to work hard to ensure the success of this project. Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Project Manager

3. Contoh Report tentang Kinerja Karyawan

Report tentang kinerja karyawan berisi tentang evaluasi kinerja karyawan dalam periode tertentu. Report ini biasanya dibuat oleh atasan atau HRD. Berikut ini adalah contoh report tentang kinerja karyawan:

Dear Mr. John,

Here is the performance report of your team for the second quarter. Overall, your team has performed well and achieved the target that has been set. However, we still need to improve several things to ensure that we can maintain the good performance in the future.

For example, we need to improve the communication between team members to avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding. We also need to provide more training and development opportunities for your team to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions or feedback on how we can improve the performance of your team. Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,


4. Contoh Report tentang Riset Pasar

Report tentang riset pasar berisi tentang hasil penelitian tentang pasar suatu produk atau jasa. Report ini biasanya dibuat oleh tim riset atau marketing. Berikut ini adalah contoh report tentang riset pasar:

Dear Manager,

Here is the report of our market research on the new product that we are planning to launch. Based on the research, we found that there is a high demand for the product in the market. The target market is mostly young adults who are looking for a healthy and affordable snack option.

However, we also found some competitors who are offering similar products. To differentiate ourselves from the competitors, we will focus on the unique taste and packaging design of our product. We will also leverage the social media platform to reach our target audience.

We believe that the new product will be successful in the market. Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Marketing Team


Report merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting dalam dunia kerja maupun pendidikan. Report yang baik dan benar dapat membantu kita untuk mengukur kinerja, membuat keputusan yang tepat, dan mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Berbagai contoh report dalam bahasa Inggris di atas dapat menjadi referensi untuk kamu dalam membuat report yang baik dan benar. Semoga bermanfaat dan sampai jumpa kembali di artikel menarik lainnya!